How good is Australia?
To help make it even better, here are a few suggestions:
We suggest a Government of National Unity for the duration of the present Climate Crisis, with politicians from all parties working together in a Unity Government, representing the will of the nation. It will be Australians – together – and Australia’s leaders – together – who will nut this out.
We suggest this Government of National Unity could endure through several electoral cycles. The faces around the table may change, but the goal of the National Unity Government – victory! – will never waver.
We suggest this Unity Government focus on three primary goals:
- Developing effective responses to the Climate Crisis;
- Remediating the effects of the Climate Crisis;
- Decarbonisation of the Australian economy.
We suggest Australia rapidly move towards a decarbonised economy, with a goal of 90% less carbon output by 2030. A decade provides enough runway for the Unity Government to institute the massive structural changes – toward renewables, electric vehicles, and agricultural sustainability – that make this goal achievable.
It only took nine years to send humans to the moon. Next to that, ten years to decarbonise Australia looks easy as.
We suggest Australia take a leading role in finding solutions to the Climate Crisis. To do this, we suggest that Australia immediately move to convene a permanent global summit on the Climate Crisis, as the annual meetings have proven to be insufficient for the demands of the Climate Crisis.
Provided the nation proves its commitment to decarbonisation and a whole-of-nation response to the Climate Crisis, we suggest that as a sign of its leadership, this Climate Crisis summit can make its permanent home in Australia. We’ll have to earn this.
We suggest the Unity Government convene and accept the advice of a council of advisers on the Climate Crisis, to be staffed by experts in all relevant disciplines, and empaneled for the duration of the Climate Crisis. The government and the nation need our best minds focused on this.
We suggest that Australia celebrates its commitment with a new holiday, PERIHELIA. Named after the days (3 – 5 January) when the Earth’s orbit most closely approaches the Sun, it offers ample opportunity to reflect on our failures, congratulate ourselves on our accomplishments, and look with hope and growing confidence on the road ahead.
Day One – Truth and reconciliation; the facts about our climate, our carbon, where we fell short of our goals – and why.
Day Two (public holiday) – Congratulations and celebrations of Australia’s successes in meeting or exceeding the challenges presented by the Climate Crisis. Awarding of AOEMs – Australian Order of Environmental Merit – for those individuals whose actions demonstrated exceptional commitment.
Day Three – Public promises and commitments made for the coming year by government and business leaders, by local communities, by families and individuals, and a revision of goals – ever upward!
And how bloody good will it feel when we know that Australia is punching above its weight in saving the planet?
Mark Pesce / Perihelia 2020
Update on 7 January 2020 with some suggestions from readers of “The Suggestion Box” (my responses in italics)
DS writes:
1) interdisciplinary working party/Roundtable to set agenda & process incl to map the terrain/scope
1A) Option to est white paper 1st, before politicians vs get political buy-in 1st.
2) Consider deliberative democracy process to map the framework – using multi/interdisciplinary skills/knowledge
3) engage networks thru key stakeholders – they’re starting to self-identify beyond the ‘usual suspects’
4) bipartisan political buy-in
Not sure if this aligns with your thinking. Happy to support your work as required. If we (non-politicians) don’t step up, we are screwed.
OT had this to suggest: